About The Blog
Technology refers to the collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and exchange information. In the earlier times, the use of tools by human beings was for the process of discovery and evolution. Technology refers the knowledge and utilization of tools, techniques and systems in order to serve a bigger purpose like solving problems or making life easier and better.
"Thats' why we have started a blog by which people get to know about the latest technologies of several fields whether it be software gadgets or space. It is important that people should be aware of the latest facts about technology and should also implement or use in their works to make the world into a digital empire"
founder @ techn
i am a technology enthusiast and always keen to know about the latest technology. I have recently made this blog, this is my first time as i am not so experienced
but tried at the best in being in 10th standard in this blog i would serve the latest news regarding technology of every field because it is very much important for the people to get last news and to get digitally empowered."